4 Tools to Optimize Your Mobile Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing gets a lot of attention but what doesn’t get a lot of attention is the mobile email marketing campaigns and yet almost 50 percent of all email marketing emails goes to mobile devices. This is a very important trend with no end in site when you send your next email marketing campaign out, the majority of your customers are going to read it on their smartphones not on their web browser.

This leads us to the question;  are your emails properly optimized for opens and reads, along with click through from mobile devices. Mobile open rates are around a whopping 300 percent. So, now is the time for you to start taking your mobile optimization seriously. Let’s start by looking at four tools you can use to optimize your mobile email marketing.

#1 JPEG Mini
We will begin with a winning app that’s easy to use. Download speeds are often very slow on mobile devices, which is why it so important for you to make sure you keep the file size down. JPEG Mini is one program that can be used to significantly reduce your image size before you add them to your email. It’s just a few simple clicks to reduce the size by as much as 80 percent.

#2 Litmus
If you are like most you have a handful of email templates that you like to use over and over. Litmus is a tool that you can use every now and then to audit the templates you use. It will show you how your template is going to look in various email clients. It’s an excellent tool to use before you launch any big campaign if your budget allows for it.

See also  5 Email Marketing Tips for Your Business

#3 Theme Forest
Testing will reveal how well your templates work on mobile devices. It’s common for them to be too wide or for the font to be too tiny. This will annoy your subscribers and it could have a very negative impact on your email marketing campaign. Instead, use email templates designed for mobiles devices to avoid these issues. Theme Forest is one of those sites that can help you. These templates can be customized so you get exactly what you want.

#4 PixelPoynt Email Marketing
You can easily manage your entire email marketing campaign using PixelPoynt’s very simple to use email marketing software. We even provide campaign tracking, autoresponders, and drip campaign functionality! We also have several responsive templates ready for you to use!

To make the most of your mobile email marketing campaigns take advantage of these tools.

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