Top 5 Reasons You Need a New Website Designed for Your Dental Office

There are several reasons why your website may not be doing much for your business. A common misconception is that the business just needs to build a good-looking website and then customers will find it and buy from them. That cannot be further from the truth, especially for a new business. You need to establish a web marketing plan in addition to designing the website or you won’t get enough traffic to be worth the investment. In fact, you won’t get valuable traffic without it. Here are 5 reasons to build a new website.

Lack of Responsive Website Design

Responsive web design (RWD) is an adaptable approach to web browsing, allowing your website to be easily viewed on a variety of devices. It optimizes the interaction experience and keeps the site looking professional. RWD is now more important than ever, especially since technology continues to change with new devices and operating system releases.

Responsive Website Design

Not only is over half of all browsing done on a mobile device, Google is now factoring responsive design into its search algorithm. So it’s very important that you update your dental website to be responsive or your competitors will leave you behind pretty quickly!

With responsive website design, your dental site will include:

  • Faster loading on mobile devices
  • Optimized performance on tablets and smartphones
  • Click-to-call & click-to-map options

Missing Optimization for Local Search

Local SEO

When building a new website, there are a lot of things to consider. Optimizing for local searches is one of them and is essential to your website’s success. Local SEO marketing provides location based search results, giving your dental website localized attention. If it’s lacking, you’re missing out on valuable traffic that your competitors pick up.

See also  Why Responsive Design Is More Important Than Ever

Many smartphones, tablets, and even portable laptops utilize location-based features, working alongside search engines to provide nearby businesses. To rank well in your local market and receive quality traffic that is searching for dental services, you need to utilize local SEO strategies.

Lack of an Updated Design

Updated website design

Sometimes, you don’t realize how outdated the design of your current website is because you’re not looking at it every single day. In different terms, you just get used to it. After a certain period of time, you naturally adjust to it and think everything is fine. If you could take a minute and pretend to be a different person that is viewing your site, you’d be surprised at what you discover. However, that may be difficult to do, but searching the competition may help.

There are certain design standards that shift every few years and there is a certain level of expectation most people have when visiting a website. Certain design elements and functionality may be missing and putting a bad taste in your website visitor’s mouth.

Not Enough Valuable Website Content

Website Content

One of the biggest issues with existing websites is that they lack content. A company offers various services and either has zero content for that particular service or has a few sentences about it. Google and other search engines crawl through your website and analyze the content. So if you don’t have any content on a particular service, the chances of you ranking for it in the search engines is slim to none!

Aside from having content, your dental website needs valuable content. Search engines rank sites based on quality too! That is because they want to provide beneficial search results to their users and not a bunch of useless or non-reputable information that wastes the searchers time.

See also  Why Responsive Design Is More Important Than Ever

Missing Website Conversions Optimization

Conversion Optimization

Have you ever looked at the number of visitors that are coming to your website? Have you ever taken a look at the number of dental leads that come from your website? These are two very important metrics that apply to your conversion rate. The amount of website visitors that turn into leads or take an action is very important. A lot of design agencies do not focus on this at all.

Some conversion optimization samples relevant to dentists include the following:

  • Smile Analyses Survey
  • Schedule an Appointment
  • Call Us Today!
  • Download a guide

In summary, all 5 reasons that you may need a dental web design service to create a new website for you involve:

  • Getting more valuable traffic
  • Closing more leads
  • Building your reputation
  • And making more profit!

Your website represents your business and the impression others have on it. Don’t let these 5 issues affect it. Make it RWD capable, optimize it for local SEO searches, update the web design, add valuable content, and utilize website conversion optimization.

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